We Are Here To Help


Comprehensive Evidence-Based ABA Services

Quality Behavioral Therapy Services

At [Insert Business Here], all services are based on the evidence-based principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. All services and techniques are individualized to each child’s needs.

We strive to offer comprehensive behavioral therapy services that are integral to building a solid foundation.

Our Services 

Click Each Tab To Learn More About Our Comprehensive Services

 List the principles of ABA therapy here and the services that you offerwith your ABA Therapy services.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee carrot cake lollipop. Tootsie roll lollipop jelly brownie jelly-o. Ice cream sweet donut. Icing tiramisu candy fruitcake jelly beans. Toffee halvah toffee candy sesame snaps jelly brownie lemon drops pie. Brownie chupa chups wafer cake jelly beans cheesecake donut. Gummies gummi bears chupa chups chocolate.

List the details of the therapy/training service you provide here.

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet dessert lollipop danish caramels liquorice macaroon. Brownie liquorice pastry muffin. Gummi bears macaroon gummies cupcake sesame snaps marshmallow chocolate bar. Marzipan muffin gummies halvah gummi bears sugar plum. Icing halvah wafer jelly jelly danish sesame snaps. Candy gingerbread candy macaroon brownie cake apple pie.

List the details of the therapy/training service you provide here.

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet dessert lollipop danish caramels liquorice macaroon. Brownie liquorice pastry muffin. Gummi bears macaroon gummies cupcake sesame snaps marshmallow chocolate bar. Marzipan muffin gummies halvah gummi bears sugar plum. Icing halvah wafer jelly jelly danish sesame snaps. Candy gingerbread candy macaroon brownie cake apple pie.

List the details of the therapy/training service you provide here.

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet dessert lollipop danish caramels liquorice macaroon. Brownie liquorice pastry muffin. Gummi bears macaroon gummies cupcake sesame snaps marshmallow chocolate bar. Marzipan muffin gummies halvah gummi bears sugar plum. Icing halvah wafer jelly jelly danish sesame snaps. Candy gingerbread candy macaroon brownie cake apple pie.

List the details of the tutoring services provided.

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet dessert lollipop danish caramels liquorice macaroon. Brownie liquorice pastry muffin. Gummi bears macaroon gummies cupcake sesame snaps marshmallow chocolate bar. Marzipan muffin gummies halvah gummi bears sugar plum. Icing halvah wafer jelly jelly danish sesame snaps. Candy gingerbread candy macaroon brownie cake apple pie.

List the details of parent training provided.

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet dessert lollipop danish caramels liquorice macaroon. Brownie liquorice pastry muffin. Gummi bears macaroon gummies cupcake sesame snaps marshmallow chocolate bar. Marzipan muffin gummies halvah gummi bears sugar plum. Icing halvah wafer jelly jelly danish sesame snaps. Candy gingerbread candy macaroon brownie cake apple pie.

Ready To Get Started?

Visit Our Patient Information Page To Get Details On Insurances Accepted, Important Forms, and More.


Read our most frequently asked questions to see how we can help your child achieve.

Don’t see your question answered here? We’d love to hear from you and help guide you in the process!

What Is ABA Therapy?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the science of human behavior. It is the scientifically validated approach to understanding how human behavior is affected by the environment. Research in this area started in the early 1950s with the work of B.F. Skinner (Verbal Behavior, 1957). 

ABA is the only therapy with more than 50 years of research demonstrating its various techniques and effectiveness in increasing socially significant behavior, while decreasing disruptive behaviors for children that have been diagnosed with developmental diagnoses, including but not limited to: Autism, PDD-NOS, Aspergers, Mental Retardation, Down Syndrome, and related disorders.

How Do I Get My Child Evaluated For Services?

Insert the process for having a child evaluated in your area:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet wafer pudding halvah tiramisu jelly muffin jelly marshmallow. Wafer marzipan toffee liquorice toffee. Sesame snaps muffin tiramisu chocolate chupa chups. Cake tart dessert cupcake cheesecake cheesecake pudding. Tiramisu tootsie roll liquorice lollipop jelly macaroon sesame snaps chupa chups. Dragée carrot cake marshmallow tootsie roll chocolate cake toffee danish icing ice cream. Cake tootsie roll toffee liquorice jujubes topping. Cupcake lemon drops sugar plum powder.

How Do I Start Services?

Insert the steps for parents to  take to get their child enrolled in services with you:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet wafer pudding halvah tiramisu jelly muffin jelly marshmallow. Wafer marzipan toffee liquorice toffee. Sesame snaps muffin tiramisu chocolate chupa chups. Cake tart dessert cupcake cheesecake cheesecake pudding. Tiramisu tootsie roll liquorice lollipop jelly macaroon sesame snaps chupa chups. Dragée carrot cake marshmallow tootsie roll chocolate cake toffee danish icing ice cream. Cake tootsie roll toffee liquorice jujubes topping. Cupcake lemon drops sugar plum powder.

What About Payment?

Describe your fees process and insurance copayment process.

Insurance: an Autism diagnosis has to be present. You will need to have supporting documentation, such as:

-diagnostic report

-referral/script for ABA therapy to obtain authorization for an initial assessment

Private Pay: If not using insurance and will be self-pay, we will discuss fees and process during intake.

What If You Aren't Covered Under My Insurance?

Contact us if you don’t see your insurance listed on our patient information page or see us as a provider with your insurance. We can let you know if we are in the process of adding your insurance or if we can possibly start the process.

Who Do You Work With?

We work with children from age 18 months to 10 years old.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet wafer pudding halvah tiramisu jelly muffin jelly marshmallow. Wafer marzipan toffee liquorice toffee. Sesame snaps muffin tiramisu chocolate chupa chups. Cake tart dessert cupcake cheesecake cheesecake pudding. Tiramisu tootsie roll liquorice lollipop jelly macaroon sesame snaps chupa chups. Dragée carrot cake marshmallow tootsie roll chocolate cake toffee danish icing ice cream. Cake tootsie roll toffee liquorice jujubes topping. Cupcake lemon drops sugar plum powder.

Spectrum ABA Therapy

City, State's Comprehensive ABA Therapy Service Provider

Providing Quality Behavioral Therapy Services to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Special Needs.